OC Hand Writing

OC Handwriting - Testimonials

Creates handwriting success stories throughout Southern California.

“Kathryn is passionate about her work. She was so patient with my child and my child looked forward to her handwriting sessions every week. Kathryn gave her so many great finger, hand and core strengthening exercises. Not only did my child learn from Kathryn but so did I!” - R.P.

“Kathryn is flexible with parents and consistent with her pupils. She also takes care to customize her approach to each pupil.” - E.B.

“As a handwriting specialist Kathryn slowly and methodically helped my son learn to handwrite legibly. We thought his writing might be a hopeless case but with Kathryn’s help it quickly became apparent that he could write legibly. All he needed was someone to show him how! Kathryn was always on time. She was very encouraging to my son but she kept him honest. He was not allowed to get away with poor effort. Kathryn was also very professional and a pleasure to see every Monday. We will miss seeing her!” - M.F.

“I would recommend OC Handwriting and Kathryn as a handwriting specialist because she is very knowledgeable about assessing and correcting handwriting problems, from hand movements (increasing fine motor skills and other help with body movements necessary for handwriting) to letter formation and efficiency of movement. All of these specialized techniques are not addressed in primary handwriting education and are necessary to improve handwriting skills for children who have problems. My daughter has made tremendous progress and gained confidence and fluency with her handwriting. I have subsequently seen her composition expand to a level closer to her reading level, which was my initial concern.” - J.T.

“Kathryn’s firm kindness and the Handwriting without Tears program both built my daughter’s confidence and made handwriting so much easier. She always brought fun, fine motor activities for handwriting practice and endurance.” - A. H.

Help YOUR child become a success story by contacting us at
(714) 875-2474 or by filling out our contact form.